Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jasmine McKnight Ledeaux

This wedding is the perfect example of the magic a wedding planner can make. Brides often ask me to create an event for them but then get nervous about the suggestions I'm making or the costs associated with those suggestions.

First, let's talk trust. I understand this is your one and only day. You don't get to do it over and you can't make changes on your honeymoon. If you were to build a house, however, would you question the type of nails your contractor uses? Would you ask how much the nails cost and then spend hours researching cheaper nails? Or would you trust that he/she will build your house according to the budget you agreed on and assume that if the contractor is using those particular nails, that must mean that those nails fit into the budget?

The same thing applies to your wedding! The very first thing you should do is set a budget. If your wedding planner tells you she can get lighting and linens all within your budget, trust that if she says a price from a particular vendor is acceptable, it must mean that the price will fit into the budget.

Brides lose so much of the pizazz when they start questioning the big picture before it's been painted. Often brides see a lighting quote that's over $3,000 and because that sounds like an awful big price for colored light bulbs, they start second guessing. Ultimately they either nix it altogether or chisel it away until the look is lost. If your wedding planner says $3,000 is ok, it's because she/he has gotten you an outstanding price on something else in order to accommodate that lighting bill. TRUST HER OR HIM!

I'm not cheap...seriously, I'm not...but I'm a firm believer of squeezing every fabulous drop out of a penny. It is in my best interest to get as much out of your budget as possible. But sometimes you just have to write the check. This particular bride did just that. She had the 3 L's going on! (The 3 L's are...lighting, linens and lush flowers.) Great taste, Jasmine, and great job on trusting that it would all come together!

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